




In the Raptus & Rose atelier we create made-to-measure frocks. Our workroom cupboards are bursting with different fabrics, a vast range for our customers to choose from and to team up in any way that takes their fancy.

Sometimes the fabrics that go into Raptus & Rose frocks were once part of other garments.
Other times we use fabrics that were intended for uses and garments different from their incarnation in an R&R frock.

Now our designers can unveil the Slip Dress. The bodice of the Slip Dress, as the name implies, is a slip to which we have added a delicate band of foulard to which the skirt, in silk or brocade, is attached.

This new frock has all the filmy lightness of the lingerie the fabric is normally used for but you don’t have to keep it for intimate moments, you can show it off in public to your heart’s content.
The Slip Dress combines the light fantastic with the decorative, in the form of its lace trims, in a truly unique way that calls to mind of the classic Roaring 20s Charleston style.